Vibrational Medicine & Miron Glass
vibrational homeopathic tincture to uplift and bring ease to your senses
Service Description
Join me in a tea and dowsing ceremony to find your quintessential formula and feel the transformative power of vibrational medicine elixirs with Light-weaver. Utilizing the energetic intelligence of wildflowers, gem minerals, geo-elemental forces and colored light transmissions. These essence elixirs have a genuine impact on your ability to heal at the unconscious level as it happens in the living process. The elixirs high vibration slowly dissolves discordant energy obstructions in the body's meridian system, like electricity running along a wire, its instantaneous and reciprocal. At Lightweaver our customized Rx Elixirs are an ideal and affordable psycho-spiritual self-therapy support tool, providing a normalizing effect on your body, mind, and emotions. Elixirs work energetically to bring your body back to its natural rhythm, reduce the impact of everyday stress, great for PTSD symptoms, improve performance and for support through life transitions and goals. Essences can be added to any topical treatment to enhance its therapeutic benefits. Vibrational medicine is an integrative, complementary therapy, it has no contraindications and is safely used with children, elders and all other forms of treatment All formulas are preserved in Miron Violet Glass with its unique biophotonic properties that protects, prolongs and enhances natural products. Add-ons include: acu-point pain roll on, environment/office/ceremonial sprays, etheric mist, skincare, body care.
Contact Details
Smithers, BC, Canada